OneTest™ for Cancer

An Affordable, Accurate Multi-Cancer Early Detection
Blood Test Now Available for Your Employees

OneTest™ for Cancer

An Affordable, Accurate Multi-Cancer Early Detection Blood Test Now Available for Your Employees  

Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) blood testing is a hot healthcare topic in 2022,. The White House Cancer Moonshot, the U.S. National Cancer Institute, and American Cancer Society are all engaged in this exciting new screening approach.

OneTest™ for Cancer, which has been ordered by over 100 American employers and used by thousands of individuals across the country, is the only marketed MCED blood test available for as low as $149. Here’s why your company should offer your  employees OneTest™ for Cancer: 

OneTest™, when included as part of an annual screening and wellness program, can help detect many cancers at an early stage, thus saving employee lives and sparing the significant costs and burdens of very expensive drug treatments for advanced disease, which often provide only marginal benefit to the patient.

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The Numbers Behind OneTest™ for Cancer

of employees want to find out as early as possible if they have cancer 1
0 %
Employees say an early cancer detection test ranks as important as 401(k) matching as a health benefit.1
# 1 top ranked health benefit
Employers used OneTest™ for Cancer since 2020
0 +
Individuals have been tested since 2020
0 +
OneTest™ help detect over 20 types of cancer
0 +


  1. Galleri for Employers. (2022, October 20). Galleri®.
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